Sooner or later we have to come into a state of alignment between the physical brain and the soul. That is what meditation does. By meditation you gradually build a channel called the “antahkarana”, which is a channel of light from the physical plane up to the soul. Simultaneously, the soul is building the same bridge down toward the physical. This channel, when formed, provides a link between the soul and its vehicle, and vice versa. This is the process whereby the man or woman gradually becomes at-one with the soul. The soul ‘grips’ the vehicle and reflects itself through it. By the use of the mantram OM and the holding of the attention at the ajna centre between the eyebrows, an alignment is created between the brain and soul.
As people make contact with that higher aspect of themselves ― the Soul ― they begin to feel the need to be of service to others. This inclination to serve brings them into contact with people and circumstances where this Soul purpose can be put to practical use. Ser-vice is most potent when performed in group formation. As this relates to meditation, it is known that far greater energy can be han-dled by groups than by individuals meditating alone. Thus, Transmission Meditation offers a unique opportunity to serve humanity, working with others, right where you are.
Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy centres (chakras) of the group members― down to the mental levels - in a highly scientific manner. This process, which makes the energies more useful to hu-manity and the other kingdoms in nature, is similar to that of electrical transformers, which step down the power between generators and household outlets.
Based on their wise understanding of our world, the Masters re-direct these stepped-down energies to wherever they are most needed at that moment in time. In response to these energies, for example, nations that have been enemies for centuries may now find they can talk together around a table and peacefully work out solutions. These energies are conditioned by the focused minds of the Masters who are sending them, and who know where they are most needed, and in what precise balance and potency to bring about the desired effects. The group should not attempt to direct the ener-gies to any person, group or country they think could benefit. It is enough that we act as positive, poised mental channels, through which the energies can be sent in a highly scientific manner.
No special expertise in meditation is required in order to transmit energy. All that is needed is alignment between the physical brain and the Soul, or Higher Self. This is achieved by focusing the attention on the ajna centre, the energy centre between the eyebrows, and simultaneously sounding the mantram (word/s that evoke energy) 'OM' silently, mentally. As the attention wanders, gently sound the OM again and re-focus on that centre. Do not meditate on the OM ― just use it to bring your attention back. All we are asked to do is maintain this alignment; the Masters do the work of transmitting the energies. Simplicity is the keynote.
To link the group with the Masters of Wisdom, say The Great Invocation aloud together. The invocation is a non-denominational prayer used by millions throughout the world to 'call forth' the spiritual energies of Light, Love and Will.
Transmission Meditation is safe, scientific, non-denominational, and extremely potent. It will not interfere with any other religious or spiritual practice. In fact it will enhance your personal meditation and any other service activities in which you may be engaged. Many people find they can experience and demonstrate love more easily. Others report that their mind is more stimulated and creative. Some people receive healing, spontaneously, during the transmissions.
In the beginning you may wish to establish a specific length of time for the Transmission, e.g. one hour. But once the group is established, it is recommended that the transmission continue until the energy flow ceases. Participants should feel free to leave whenever they wish, trying not to disturb those who are staying on. Meeting on the physical plane adds an 'X' factor of potency to the work which is greater than can be achieved by individuals linking up mentally.
The Masters direct energies from the spiritual planes through the energy centers (chakras) of the group members ― down to the mental levels where they become more accessible to humanity. The group literally serves as a 'point of entry' for the energies to reach humanity and stimulate human progress. These energies are conditioned by the focused minds of the Masters who are sending them, and who know where they are most needed, and in what precise balance and potency to bring about the desired effects. The group should not attempt to direct the energies to any person, group or country they think could benefit. It is enough that we act as positive, poised mental channels, through which the energies can be sent in a highly scientific manner. Unlike other forms of meditation, Transmission is totally under the control of the Masters. They are experts and will not send through your centers more energy than you can safely take. However, it is recommended that children under the age of 12 not take part in a Transmission group, as their energy centers are not yet sufficiently developed and could be harmed. In addition, people with a history of heart problems or mental/emotional illness may find these energies are too stimulating.
Where participation in a group is not possible, forming a meditation triangle with two other people enables one to still engage in the service of energy transmission, although not at the same level of potency. A triangle is a group of three people who link up each day in thought for a few minutes of creative meditation. They need not live in the same locality, and it is not necessary to synchronize the time at which the work is done; for once the triangle links are built in mental substance, they can be brought alive when any one member does the work. Triangles work is easy. Mentally link up with the other two members, visualize a triangle of white light circulating above your heads, then say The Great Invocation inwardly (mentally). See your triangle linked with all other triangles, Transmission and meditation groups on the planet. See the white light circulating among this network of focal points and pouring out to envelop the world, thus helping to form a channel for the downpouring of Light and Love into the body of humanity. The triangles work, introduced by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul during his collaboration with Alice A. Bailey, is a valuable service to humanity and can be done along with Transmission Meditation.
More information can be found in Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age, by Benjamin Creme
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