There is an ancient esoteric axiom that there is nothing in the whole manifested universe except energy in some relationship, at some vibrational frequency. Wherever we look, whatever we can conceive, is really energy more or less concretized, vibrating at a particular frequency. All of these points of energy are in relationship. There is a reciprocal interplay between all aspects of the universe. We are literally a whole, a unity. Modern physicists, exploring the nature of the atom, have come to exactly the same conclusion about the nature of reality as that arrived at by the ancient Masters. There is nothing in all reality but energy. All that we think of as god can be known in terms of energy. The development of man towards God is the development of consciousness, the creation of a sensitive apparatus or instrument responsive to higher and higher levels of the sum total of energies, and laws governing these energies, which we call God This is how we become divine: we gradually tune into, become aware of and radiate the energy which is God.
What is a chakra?
A chakra is a vortex or centre of force. For example, our solar system is a centre of force through which energy from the galaxy can be transmitted. Our planet is a chakra in the great cosmic being who ensouls this solar system, who to us is God.
Chakras are formed by the interweaving of energies on the etheric planes of matter. We recognize 3 states of matter-solid, liquid, and gaseous physical. But esotericists recognize and use 4 further states of matter finer than gas- the 4 etheric planes. We live in an ocean of etheric energies. The etheric envelope of the world is concentrated in the etheric of the human being. All of us have a counterpart etheric body which substands the dense physical body and is an exact replica of it. The constant movement of the ocean of etheric energy gradually creates vortices where the energies criss-cross most often. Each vortex is a chakra, an opening into and out of the body, and all the energies impinging on the etheric physical body flow through these force centres.
There are 7 chakras up the spine, located at the base of the spine, the sacrum, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, between the eyebrows and at the top of the head. These are the 7 major centres. There are 42 minor centres and many subsidiary centres - for example, the cheeks, the earlobes, the palms of the hands. Through these centres energies flow most potently.
The Self alone matters. You are that Self, "an immortal Being." Suffering is caused by identification with anything and everything which is not the Self. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" You will see that you are identified either with matter (the body), or with thought (the mind) or with power (spirit). But you are none of these.
The destiny of the Self is to be free.
The Self is not energy (Shiv-shakti, spirit);
the Self is not thought–formation (Brahma, or mind);
the Self is not material activity (Prakriti, the body).
The destiny of the Self is to enter and leave these 'temples' at will.
"Mind, spirit and body are the temples; the Self experiences in these "the supreme Being and Becoming."
If a person is overpowered by Shiv-shakti, he can perform miracles. Yet the person looks withdrawn, blank.
If a person is overpowered by Brahma, he can be a philosopher, but he can be imprisoned in that thought formation.
A person overpowered by the Vishnu aspect can give, and give generously, perhaps become a saint, but that, too, can be a prison.
Being is eternal, Becoming is temporal. The Self experiences both. Being and becoming are two modalities. Being is unchanging, whereas becoming is a process of unfolding in time and space. Man, in his Being, is the Self. In his becoming, he is the soul — the reflection of the Self.
The Self witnesses. It plays the 'mini-role’ of the Almighty. The Self is the spark of the Almighty. "There are times when you become aware that someone is behind you, within you, over you, around you — something is present." "That 'something’", is the Almighty. It does not participate; it observes. No one need struggle for this step. Everyone qualifies at this stage.
The Self makes itself known through awareness. The Self makes mind, spirit and body aware of reality and thus able to make decisions accordingly.
, "Let your awareness grow. Awareness, with intelligence, will guide mind, spirit and body. This will create harmony between mind, spirit and body and the Self." Then the Self can use the forces of Life to transform things, to effect 'miracles’. Mind, spirit and body are simply vehicles.
Awareness is the light of life. Anything done outside awareness leads to destruction. All thoughts which lead you to selfishness lead you away from awareness. In awareness there is no memory. Memory is only in the mind. All struggle and care is in the mind, never in awareness. Suffering, depression and craving for drugs are all states of mind. Awareness sets you free and allows you to enjoy life. When awareness is still dormant, 'isms’ control mind, spirit and body and create divisions. This is maya — illusion. When awareness controls and guides you, 'isms’ cannot come close to you. Awareness can even make a king give up his kingdom, Maitreya teaches. Privileges divide, denying oneness to the entity within you. 'Isms’ are not thrown away all at once. They are steps on the way. Awareness controls the pace of evolution.
Yet in awareness there is no burden. You remain meticulous, immaculate, pure. There is grace, peace and happiness. These are the blessings of the Lord.
Awareness will come to be respected in the home and in the school as a sacred, God-given gift, Maitreya says. Awareness is the mother of creation. It can never be divided, nor imposed. Textbooks cannot describe it, because there is no beginning nor end to it. Awareness can only be experienced. It is a seed in all creation and in every individual.
Awareness is universal and does not 'belong’ to any religion, nor to any guru, saint or politician.
when you judge, saying 'I am right. You are wrong’, you are caught in the web of attachment. The Self must always practise detachment. In this way, awareness will grow. The Self is neutral and free from suffering. Awareness protects the Self. Just as the body must be bathed, detachment is the "bath" of mind, and awareness is the "bath" of spirit.
An initiation is a significant expansion in consciousness.
there are 850,000 people at the first initiation. They have demonstrated their ability to overcome to
some extent the impulses and lusts of their physical body and will normally be vegetarians. They have made some contact with their souls and the soul will impel them to take up some form of meditation, which is the age-old way of contacting their soul. Their contacts with the soul are often fleeting. They will still be astrally polarised, i.e. controlled by their feelings. What has happened is that their feelings, which are expressed as aspiration, take control over the impulses of the physical body. 60% of humanity will take the first initiation in the next 2,000 years.
Some examples are – Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth I, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes, Yitzhak Rabin, Puccini, Jacqueline du Pre, Emmeline Pankhurst, Nostradamus, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Jane Austen, Horatio Nelson, Golda Meir.
In the Bible, the first initiation is symbolised by the birth of Jesus among animals. This symbolises the birth of Christ consciousness within our animal nature.
There are about 240,000 people at this level, i.e. about one in 20,000. At the second initiation, the mind on the mental plane, takes control over our feelings on the astral plane. People at the second initiation are mentally polarised.
Madame Curie, Einstein, Rudolf Steiner, George Washington, Tolstoy, Stravinsky, Schubert, Socrates, Schweitzer, Isaac Newton, Indira Ghandi, Hippocrates, Moses, Archimedes, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Renoir, Pythagorus were all second initiates.
In the Bible, the second initiation is symbolised by the baptism of Jesus. References to water symbolise control over emotions.
We have 3000-4000 people at the third initiation. At this point our soul whose nature is Love takes more control of our mind, and it is only then that we become true human beings and can enter more fully into the Divine Plan. Our solar system is a second solar system, i.e. a system in which the second ray aspect of Love must be developed to take control over other aspects.
Many of the greatest people in history have been at the third initiation. They include the great composers Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, several of the greatest painters such as Rembrandt and Michaelangelo, the statesmen Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Mao Tse Tung. Raphael, Baha’u’llah, Mohammed, Guru Nanak, St Teresa, St Paul, John the Baptist, John the Beloved, Shakespeare.
In the Bible, the third initiation is symbolised as the Transfiguration.
There are 400-500 at this Initiation. In the East this initiation is known as the Great Renunciation. People at this level are willing to renounce all that most people hold dear for a spiritual life which is, in fact, much greater and more valuable. At the fourth initiation our desire nature dies entirely and, from that point onward, we have no personal desires.
Krishnamurti, Leonardo da Vinci, Rama, Origen, Helena Roerich, Helena Blavatsky, Muktananda and Jesus were at the fourth initiation.
The fourth initiation is symbolised in the Bible as the Crucifixion. Jesus deliberately allowed himself to be crucified in order to demonstrate this fact.
There are 63 people at this level or higher working with the human kingdom. They are the Masters of Wisdom, sometimes known as the Lords of Compassion. They live only to help humanity or the sub-human kingdoms. They know the bliss of divine life. We have virtually no words in our language to describe their level of being. The closest we can get is to describe it as identification with the Divine Plan.
The Masters of Wisdom are really beginning the life of the sixth kingdom of nature, the Divine Kingdom, or the Kingdom of God, at the planetary level. The Master Djwal Khul, through Alice A. Bailey, truly says that a Master is two kingdoms ahead of average humanity. He has the ability to understand everything that is happening on this planet which he needs to know and whatever is relevant to him which has happened in the past. Also he has some knowledge of life on other planets.
In the Bible, the fifth initiation is symbolised as the Resurrection.
There are about 10 people at the sixth initiation. Most of them control the vast systems of energy which control our planet. The Head of the Hierarchy of Masters is the head of the second ray of energy, the ray of Love and Wisdom. In the west he is known as the Christ. In the east he would probably be called the Boddhisattva. The modern term is the World Teacher. The present holder of this office is Maitreya.
It is impossible for us to understand his level of awareness or the enormous energy which He controls. At each initiation, one quarter of the gross matter of the body is transformed into etheric material, so that a Master will have only etheric material in his body. This is probably why it is possible for all Masters to have complete control over their bodies – to appear and disappear at will, for example. They need no food nor sleep or money.
In the Bible, the sixth initiation is symbolised as the Ascension.
Lists of initiates are published in Benjamin Creme’s books, Maitreya’s Mission I, II & III and the magazine“Share International”
The seven rays: a general view
by Benjamin Creme
An introduction to the seven rays of energy which condition all people, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Modern exoteric science has proved the ancient and fundamental esoteric axiom: there is nothing in the whole of the manifested universe but energies, in some relationship, each vibrating at a particular frequency.
The esoteric science postulates seven such streams of energy or rays, whose interaction, at every conceivable frequency, creates the solar systems, galaxies and universes. The movement of these seven rays of energy, in spiralling cycles, draws all Being into and out of manifestation, and colours and saturates it with their own individual qualities and attributes. This is as true for a grain of sand as for a man or a solar system. Each is the expression of a Life.
As far as our own solar system is concerned, these seven energies are the expression of seven great lives embodied by seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear. In our system, one of these rays, the 2nd ray, is focused. The other six rays are therefore sub-rays of this basic ray. The manipulation of these subdivisions by our Solar Logos creates every variation of life within his system.
So complex is the subject of the rays, so pervasive and all-embracing is their influence, that it will be possible in this article to skim the surface of their action only, and to show something of their relevance to our lives and relationships. The aim will be to demonstrate the value of knowing the qualities of the rays governing ourselves and our nations and in this way to stimulate the reader to enter into a deeper study of these forces which, on every plane, condition our nature and make us what we are.
The rays are particular types of energy, the emphasis being on the quality which that energy demonstrates rather than on the form which it creates. To say that a man or a nation or a planet is `on' the 1st or 2nd ray, is to say that they are coloured by, and express the quality of, that ray. Consequently, there are seven ray-types of people, and the idea of the septenate is to be found at many levels and in many branches of our lives: "the seventh son of a seventh son," "the seven sacred Planets." "Seven is a number in magic," as Dylan Thomas put it.
There are three primary rays, or rays of aspect, and four secondary rays of attribute. They have many names describing their many qualities and actions but are usually enumerated as follows:
Rays of Aspect
1st ray of Power, Will or Purpose
2nd ray of Love-Wisdom 3rd ray of Active, Creative Intelligence
Rays of Attribute
4th ray of Harmony through Conflict, or Beauty, or Art
5th ray of Concrete Science or Knowledge
6th ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion
7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic or Ritual or Organization
Cyclically, according to the plan of the Logos, the rays come into manifestation, producing through their influence the succession of civilizations and cultures which mark and measure the evolution of the races.
The three major planetary centres, Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, are, respectively, the exponents of the three major rays of aspect: Will, Love-Wisdom and Active Intelligence.
Every human being finds himself on one or other of these seven energies, and all of us are governed basically by five ray forces:
These all vary cyclically.
Each ray works primarily through one centre (or chakra), and together they determine the physical structure and appearance, the astral-emotional nature, and the quality of the mental unit. They predispose us to certain attitudes of mind and certain strengths and weaknesses (the virtues and vices of the rays). They give us our particular personality colour and general tone on the physical plane. For the greater part of our evolutionary experience on this earth the rays of the personality govern our expression, but when we are two-thirds of the way along the path, the soul ray begins to dominate and to be expressed.
"Man, know thyself," said the ancient Greeks.
"Man, know thy rays," says the esotericist.
A knowledge of one's rays provides one with an insight into one's strengths and limitations, one's line of least resistance in this life and also an understanding of the bridges and the barriers between oneself and others, erected by our individual ray structure.
Those on similar rays tend to see things from the same point of view, to have the same approach to life, while those on disparate rays find it difficult to come to an understanding of each other's attitudes and meaning. It will be obvious how this factor conditions the quality of married life. It affects, too, the success or failure of the meetings of leaders of nations, especially when it is realized that each nation is governed by two rays: the higher soul ray, expressing the highest (usually as yet unmanifested) ideals of the nation; and the lower personality ray, governing the people's selfish national desires.
To view history from an understanding of the rays governing the nations and races is to see it in a new light. It becomes obvious why certain nations are allies while others have little in common and are traditionally hostile to each other. It becomes fascinatingly clear why particular ideas, movements and religions flourish at one period and fall into decay at another; why some countries emerge for a time and become dominant influences in the world while others lie fallow, as it were, awaiting their time of awakening through the stimulus of an incoming ray.
A knowledge of the ray structure of some of the great individuals who have created our culture and civilization enables us to see how their rays made them what they were, conditioned their actions and qualities, and shaped their destinies.
The science of psychology is in its infancy. It seeks to understand the workings of the human psyche, and in psychotherapy it works to alleviate the symptoms of stress and disorder. But until an understanding is reached of man as a soul in incarnation, governed by certain ray influences, much will remain obscure. It is the soul which determines the rays (and therefore the influences and limiting factors) of the personality and its vehicles. The new psychology, today esoteric, will begin from that premise.
Service is the lever of the evolutionary path. Through service we learn to identify with that which we serve, and so a shift occurs in our centre of focus. It shifts from the personal, the selfish, to the impersonal, the unselfish……….as we begin to serve, we become more and more decentralized, we identify with more and more, until we can identify with everything that is. And when we can identify with everything that is, we are everything that is. We are God. We realize our Divinity
So really there is only service. As souls we are here to serve. The mechanism is the magnetic pull of karma through the law of cause and effect, but the motive for coming in is to serve the Plan. The all important thing in service is the motive behind it. It is not what you do. It does not matter what service you do. Everything can be service. Personally motivated service is not service. That is service to the separate self. Impersonal service-altruistic service, should be the aim. This brings in the law of service, and has it’s result in decentralizing us, whereas service to oneself, only leads to the bolstering of the sense of separation. So the motive is absolutely crucial
People imagine that they have their own very special distinguishable way of serving. That is why they have not found it yet. They are still looking for that which does not exist. There is seldom one way of service for an individual. There is a world in trevail needing to be served. There are different approaches and different departments in life and you can serve in any of them. There are obvious choices, depending on one’s personality structure. As the Master said, service is not service in fits and starts. It is sustained rhythm and steadfastness which creates the gravity and therefore the magnetism of the service
If the desire to serve and respond to world need is strong enough and is followed by action, a path soon opens up to any sincere seeker
Nothing is so effective in decentralizing ourselves as service. Nothing so helps us to gain perspective and to grow spiritually. We gain a broader, more inclusive vision of the world and so come into a more correct relationship with the Whole of which we are a part.
Many today…….. see meditation as an end in itself. They see no need for service or outer action to change society for the better; see no outer change being possible without an inner change of heart. Many also believe that simply by meditation alone they are doing more good for the world than otherwise they could. …..Through meditation, one draws on the energies and inspiration of the soul which give life and meaning to the personality expression. Where these are denied their correct outlet in service, a “damming up” takes place in the personality vehicles -mental, emotional and physical -with unfortunate results. Many of the neuroses and other illnesses of aspirants and disciples stem from this non-use of soul energy and denial of soul purpose. The inner and the outer focus must be balanced, and a start made on the Infinite Way, the way of service
Find the best means of service according to your talents, your point of evolution, your likes, personality, your temperament and so on. You can join groups, work with groups who meditate, tune into the energies, work in the way of service along some line – humanitarian, political, economic, etc. If you have the desire to serve you will find a way of serving. Where there is a genuine, altruistic, aspiring desire to serve humanity, this will be known to the Hierarchy. They are looking for and using all the practical mystics of the world. They look for the aspiring man or woman of goodwill. Goodwill is a dynamic energy. It is the highest aspect of the energy which we call Love which we are able to express. It is the goodwill of ordinary men and women everywhere which will change the world. They will lead their leaders into the New Age. See yourself as a dynamic unit of goodwill in the world. Work with others. The new world has to be made by us, ourselves.
Your best means of service might be the transmission of energies through Transmission Meditation, a most potent and easy form of service, or by affirming the fact of the Hierarchy of Masters
Transmission Meditation is an act of service on the physical plane. It is part of the outer service activity as well as an inner experience…. Never have so many people had this opportunity for service, this opportunity-at their level-to do something of major importance.
Extracts from Maitreya’s Mission I & II, by Benjamin Creme
Our Future our Choice - The Path to Peace
When mankind sees at last the folly of its present fascination with violence and war and discards the means to carry out its acts of violence, it will undergo a remarkable transformation.
The first signs of this most welcome change in human behaviour can be seen in the millions who now march denouncing war and calling for justice and peace. These demonstrations, spontaneous and worldwide, are a sure indication that mankind is ready to renounce the past, and when properly led, to change direction. This time in fast approaching.
Amid the trauma and stressful conditions of the present, a new vision of the future is presenting itself to the hearts and minds of millions, who, to a greater or lesser degree, respond. Men are awakening to the necessity of peace if mankind is to survive. The stage thus is set for the ultimate choice before mankind.
The problems today are global and cannot be solved by war. Co-operation alone will bring men peace and plenty. NATIONS MUST SHARE TO SAVE THE WORLD.
A few years from now, looking back, men will wonder why they hesitated so long in taking the obvious and most natural action sharing the resources of the world. Experiencing the new stability, the lack of tension, the ease of international co-operation, men will wonder how they could have been so blind to the self-evident, so wilful and destructive to their own best interests for so long.
Humanity now stands at the threshold of an entirely new experience in which every global decision and act will be seen to be for the better, as nourishing and sanctifying their lives, and strengthening the bonds of Brotherhood which, up till then, they had ignored and all but forgotten. Gladly, men will now work together for the Common Good, the hatred and distrust of the past put firmly behind them. Thus will a new kinship emerge as Goodwill and Respect, like vitalizing yeast, saturate their awakened lives. Thus, too, in ever strengthening measure, will love and joy embrace and lighten the hearts of men and women everywhere.
The worlds resources will be distributed properly and fairly.
Third world debt will be cancelled
The United Nations will be reformed and become a world Parliament
Commercialisation will come to an end and will be replaced by co-operation
The environment will become the number one issue throughout the world. It will in fact come into equilibrium as humanity itself comes into equilibrium for all life is interconnected.
The power of the sun will provide energy for all our needs - industry, heating, transportation, and healing
There will be a marked reduction in crime as people practice the principles of sharing.
Death will no longer be feared but understood as a part of a cyclic renewal process.
Drugs and surgery will no longer be needed as doctors will be trained in the sciences of healing with light and colour
In the short term all nuclear fission reactors will be closed down and replaced by fusion reactors which are safer and environmentally sound.
Politicians will work for the masses and serve to create harmony not divisions.
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